TMJ Treatment Mt Pleasant

Relief for Your Aching Jaw

Dental team member smiling at a patient

If you have pain in your jaw, don’t just ignore it! You could be dealing with a TMJ disorder – a condition that’ll slowly harm your oral health. That being the case, the best move is to see us for excellent TMJ treatment in Mt. Pleasant. This service would soothe your facial aches, setting you and your smile on the right track. Find out more about it by reading below or by scheduling a visit.

Why Choose Smileworks General & Cosmetic Dentistry for TMJ Treatment?

  • Custom Occlusal Splints for Heightened Comfort
  • Caring & Knowledgeable Dental Experts
  • Beautiful, State-of-the-Art Dental Office

What Is TMJ Disorder?

Woman in dental chair wincing in pain and holding the side of her jaw

TMJ refers to your temporomandibular joints – the tiny hinges connecting your jaw to your skull. TMJ disorders are problems with said hinges and the facial muscles that control them.

Most TMJ disorders cause a range of unpleasant symptoms:

  • Jaw pain
  • Facial pain
  • Stiffness in the jaw
  • Jaw popping or clicking
  • Headaches or migraines
  • Pain when chewing or biting

How We Treat TMJ Disorder

Two gloved hands holding a clear tray to be worn over the teeth

Depending on your disorder’s cause, we’ll provide you with an equilibration or an occlusal splint.

An equilibration (or occlusal adjustment) helps when the TMJ has an alignment issue. For this treatment, our dentists slightly reshape a few teeth so the top and bottom arches fit together better. Such changes would reduce the pressure on your TMJ.

If the disorder stems from bruxism or teeth grinding, we’ll give you an occlusal splint. This device reduces muscle tension in your face, lessening the pressure on your jaw joints.

(You’ll only wear the splint at night.)

BOTOX Injections for TMJ Disorder

Woman receiving a Botox injection in her jaw joint

For patients in need of immediate relief from TMJ-related pain, we can strategically inject Botox into overactive and overworked jaw muscles, making them relax. This effect comes on quickly and will last for months on end, during which our team can apply a more long-term solution so that the problem doesn’t come back.